The DoV-Z ROBOTT's origin, aside from "Star Wars" timing, was meant to demonstrate my very personal reaction to the boorishness of most "performance art" of the period (1979 - 1983). These little buggers lent an expensively expansive pliancy to:
(1) reflexive reaction animation possibilities of CURRENT international politics (substantiating how LITTLE time changes events except for the characters).
(2) my conceptual concerns about human-scale relatedness to object familiarities without regionalist narrative extrapolations being necessary. More discussion about the ROBOTT's performances will be found at the variouis Series Description categories.

There will be at least two views of each ROBOTT,
FOUR IMAGES PER WINDOW .... scrolling may be necessary. Some images can be enlarged two times, simply click on the image itself to enlarge.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs transparency
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 4
Performance ?!! projection
1979 ©™ through 1985

This was used throughout the performance and exhibition history of the DoV-Z ROBOTTs ™ in screen projections, programs, brochures.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs 35 mm transparency
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 6
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ™ 2ndary logo
approximately 1981 ©
35 mm transparency
varible in use

This was a "concurrent" collaboration with Sheridan (Sam/Calvin) Smith. Used in all media, principally on large screens and in fluff promotion materials. NOTE that each ROBOTT ™ represents a specific discipline and would comment about the inherent problems. Collection of the artists.

DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 8
MICRO (a stayabott)
January 1979 ©
6 x 6 x 10"

A sculpture representing Geological Field Analysis holding a report on Food, Mineral, Fuel, and Water degradation/needs of the planet in 1978.
This was the catalyst for building the entire DoV-Z™ family (originally intended to be 32 ROBOTTs™) with the intent to make them at least parabots (radio controlled) commenting on our world-wide labyrithian politics.
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 10
JERRY (stayabott)
8 x 9 x 13"

JERRY, as a sculpture, is named in tribute to our friend, former Skylab Commander, Astronaut Gerald P. Carr. The simulated disciplines for this ROBOTT™ are that of Oceanography and Climatology
of the planet's Aether anticipating dire global warming conditions.
Private collection

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed medium/ kinetic w/music and bullhorn
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 12
UKASE* (frontview) (a parabot)
1979-1980 ©
mixed medium/ kinetic w/music and bullhorn
19 x 13 x 17 "

Animatedly introduced the ROBOTTS in the "studio" performances. A Remote operated quadreped. Intentionally mocking hysterical advertising.
*Ukase is the Russian term for government proclamation, having the force of law; to order, to show, an edict, etcetra.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs Mixed medium
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 14
UKASE (rearview)
!979-1980 ©
Mixed medium
19 x 13 x 17 "

A typical 20th century billboard structure. Obviously a parody of esthetic land misuse and advertising saturation.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media with security sensors
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 16
VULCAN ( Front View)
1979 ©
mixed media with security sensors
9 x 9 x 14 "

Simulated function: Embassy Guard, 110 A.C.W. (about 2300 A.D. VULCAN was a triped parabot. Dropped by a bot-handler: now dysfunctional; thus, a pedestal sculpture, a Sonofabott™.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 18
VULCAN (Right Side)
1979 ©
mixed media
9 x 9 x 14 "

As the first Sonofabott™, In 1981, a start to build an enlargement, approximately four feet high began. Painting and wire sculpture issues took priority. And the expense of producing and maintaining the ROBOTTs™ was an issue.
Collection of the artist

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed- Track Biped with sensor stimulation
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 20
DRUCKER (Front view) (a parabot)
1979 ©
mixed- Track Biped with sensor stimulation
12 x 9 x 16 "

Simulated function: Basic FIELD MAINTENANCE TRAINER for both ROBOTTs™ (to do self repairs) and humans. Early studio performance scripts include emergency repairs.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 22
DRUCKER (rearview)
11/1979 ©
mixed media

Obviously the name Drucker is a tribute to the corporate/leadership
training guru, Peter Drucker. Drucker, too, had become disfunctional (thus making for another Sonofabott™) early on as the tank-like drives gave out.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed - fully kinetic, vox audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 24
ROMA (front view) (a parabot0
12/1979 ©
mixed - fully kinetic, vox audio
12 x 11 x 14"

Simulated Function: ROLLERBALL TRACK CLEANER & STRETCHER. shown here with a damaged motorcycle. Scripted as Rollerball takes over A.C.W., humans versus ROBOTTs.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed- motors finally gave thus another Sonofabott
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 26
ROMA (side view)
12/1979 ©
mixed- motors finally gave thus another Sonofabott
12 x 11 x 14 " pedestal sculpture

Very active in studio performances on "Super Bowl"
day with a packed house.
Collection of the artist

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media/ fully kinetic sixped
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 28
CUBIE front view (a parabot)
12/1979 ©
mixed media/ fully kinetic sixped
10 x13 x17 "

Simulated Function:(sort-of-a latter-day NRC Custodian) NUCLEAR REACTOR SCRUBBER/PUMPER and works closely with ROWE™ type Finite
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media-six-ped
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 30
CUBIE rearview
mixed media-six-ped
10 x 13 x 17 "

CUBIE became a Sonofabott™ as a bot handler dropped her during the ROBOTT™ OPERA, 1983©, Jones Hall, University of St Thomas, Houston, damaging the six-ped drives. CUBIE went on to complete her audio performance from a stationary position. Voice by Sally Reynolds, private art dealer, Houston, and author.
Collection of the artist's wife, Dee Dee Bott, Houston.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed - started as a quadraped using a remote toy as the base
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 32
MICRO P.E.T. (front view) (a Stayabott)
11/1979 ©
mixed - started as a quadraped using a remote toy as the base
14 x 9 x 14 "

P.E.T.: Precious Extravagant Toy
It participated in a Studio Roller Ball event and the drive trains died, rescued by ROMA (not scripted).
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs  mixed - originally full kenetic on tank-like treads
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 34
MICRO P.E.T. (left/rear view)
11/1979 ©
mixed - originally full kenetic on tank-like treads
14 X 9 x 14 "

As a Pecious Extravagant Toy, P.E.T., that was provided miniture DoV pillows and its own lined basket by a collector family owning more HJ Bott works than anyone, they were permitted to aquire P.E.T. as a Stayabott pedestal sculpture. The first to leave the fold.
Cathy Conlon-Towwnsend & Tommy Townsend, Galveston, TX

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed-Full kenetic,audio,image sensors, quadraped
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 36
THORMINE (clean) (parabot)
1/1980 ©
mixed-Full kenetic,audio,image sensors, quadraped
19 x 21 x 16 "

THORMINE was the first rugged performer, working closely with ROMA in studio performances. This pristine appearance lasted but two performances.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed - Strong audio quadraped
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 38
THORMINE ( view2-clean)
1/1980 ©
mixed - Strong audio quadraped
19 x 12 x 16 "

Simulated Functions: OAR MINING SUPERVISOR (over drone robots and humans). Restricted activities to Earth's solar system.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed - five quasi functional appendages)
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 40
THORMINE (view3-from the mines)
1/1980 ©
mixed - five quasi functional appendages)
19 x 12 x 16 "

Scriptwise THORMINE would work closely with GARGAN genre ROBOTTs to clean as the mining is done (sort-f-like a clean kitchen). THORMINE would probably function again today if battery corrosion hasn't overtaken all the circuits.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed - harsh critque of 20th century polluting
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 42
THORMINE (view4-from the mines
1/1980 ©
mixed - harsh critque of 20th century polluting
19 x 12 x 16 "

One of my favorites, but was unable to include in the ROBOTT OPERA due to insufficient interactional scale with "newer-larger" ROBOTTs.
Collection of the artist.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed - full kinetic action -gravelly audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 44
GARGAN (front view) (a parabot)
mixed - full kinetic action -gravelly audio
19 x 18 x 22 "

Simulated Functions: TOXIC WASTE EXTRACTOR-COMPRESSOR. Generally works with CUBIE and or THORMINE type ROBOTTs. Voice was as intelligible as many Star Wars™
characters were not, GARGAN voice was always critiqued as ruining part of a performance. Too bad, the script was great. The ROBOTT OPERA voice for GARGAN was Ester deVecsey (at the time, Director of Sewall Gallery, Rice University, Houston
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed -full kinetic action,sensors,audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 46
GARGAN (left-rear view)
mixed -full kinetic action,sensors,audio
19 x 18 x 22 "

GARGAN's moniker came from the gargling sound she projected as moving about. Likely is now a Stayabott for pedestal viewing. Ironically, the
the circuits were corroded during Tropical Storm Allison's studio flooding.
Collection of the artist

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media- full Kinetic functions
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 48
SOL front view (a parabot)
3/1980 ©
mixed media- full Kinetic functions
17 x 15 x 19 "

Simulated Function: an EMERGENCY SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTOR/DISPENSER to/for/with other ROBOTTs™. Articulating head movements during energy dispensing.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 50
SOL rear view
3/1980 ©
mixed media
17 x 15 x 19 "

The skirted effect was to simulate a hoover craft (which I experimented but the scale was too vast). The script was loaded with political, environmental and sexual double entendres. The ROBOTT™ OPERA voice was Betty Moody, Moody Gallery, Houston,TX.
Collection of the artist

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - quadraped
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 52
ART-BARF™ view 1 (a parabot)
5 &6/1980 ©
mixed media - quadraped
25 x 15 x 28 "

Simulated Functions: A.C.W. there was significant need for many AMPHIBIOUS ARCHEOLOGICAL ANALYSTS, surveying the toxic embedded treasures and coverups of the 20th & 21st centuries.
Quite likely has become a Stayabott™.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media-full VA audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 54
ART-BARF™ view2
5 & 6/1980©
mixed media-full VA audio
25 x 15 x 28 "

Very self motivated to search for 20th century art ( there was a significant amount of "contemporary" art cast in bronze and works in ceramics lasting A.C.W.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media-fully kinetic
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 56
ART-BARF™ view 3
5 &6/1980 ©
mixed media-fully kinetic
25 x 15 x 28 "

ART-BARF™ became a self anointed 20th century art critic and thus the moniker. He performed for, and was interviewed by five different Houston TV channels, spending n30 minutes on the Green Room. Channel 8. He was also interviewed on TV in New Orleans.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 58
ART-BARF™ view 4
5 & 6/1980 ©
mixed media
25 x 15 x 28 "

ART-BARF™ was scripted to be the "Don Rickles" of the Houston art scene of the early 1980s.In the ROBOTT™ OPERA, of 1983, ART-BARF would improv-like an attempt to upstage the stars ROWE, the newscaster mimes and Shanabu.
Opera and full time voice: I.M. Knottjahn. Circuits are likely corroded ans He has seen much action.
Collection: Rainey Kundson

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - full kinetic functions
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 60
NADIR view 1 (a parabot)
8/1980 ©
mixed media - full kinetic functions
24 x 19 x 34"

Simulated Functions: an INTER-
GALACTIC POLITICAL CONSULTANT (with an Egalitarian Base). Full critically caustic audio relative to the audience being addressed. Spools of red tape were left by NADIR everywhere. A popular favorite in the "studio" performances.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - sueface completely covered in red tapes
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 62
NADIR view 2 (full audio)
8/1980 ©
mixed media - sueface completely covered in red tapes
24 x 19 x 34 "

NADIR traveled to 11 museums in the "History of Robotics" exhbition sponsored by the American Crafts Museum. It was physically attacked at three museums, "probably" for the critique of the respective community's political history.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media -  numerous sensors quadraped
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 64
NADIR view 3
8/1980 ©
mixed media - numerous sensors quadraped
24 x 19 x 34 "

NADIR performed well, with considerable liberal popularity, on at least eight TV stations across the country, four in Houston, including the Green Room on PBS channel 8 and participated in a panel discussion at the Contemporary Museum, New Orleans with ROWE™ partially on TV.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - amplified audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 66
NADIR view 4
mixed media - amplified audio
24 x19 x 34 "

The ROBOTT™ OPERA provided an ample opportunity for NADIR to critique the Reagan/Mormon JUNTA's efforts to privatize much of government. NADIR's voice for the OPERA and some of the TV appearances was David Brauer, Art Historian/Lecturer?Curator, Houston.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - full kinetics, sensors and audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 68
REBMIT™ view 1 ( a parabot)
7 /1980 ©
mixed media - full kinetics, sensors and audio
16 x 15 x 24 "

Simulated Function: a HYDROPONIC DENDROLOGIST (a data resource collector and forestry supervisor over humans and drone robots). A very popular ROBOTT because of its hyper kinetic script behavior yet dignified the DoV-Z™ ROBOTTs™ by appearing on a scientific/materials magazine cover.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - quadraped
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 70
REBMIT™ view 2
7/1980 ©
mixed media - quadraped
16 x 15 x 24 "

As a dendrologist, its name, REBMIT™, is simply the reverse of "timber"for which its tasks, A.C.W., have been to restore Planet Earth forests and supervise/manage hydroponic forests on the Moon.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - amplified audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 72
REBMIT™ view 3
7/1980 ©
mixed media - amplified audio
16 x 15 x 24 "

Scripted as a high A-type, condemning what James Watt, Secretary of the Interior, during the Reagan administration had done to forestry, even before the Corporate Wars. REBMIT™ was on three Houston TV channels and with ROWE™ and ART- BARF™ starred in a 30 minute birthday party program on Houston"s PBS and was a star on New Orleans PBS.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs Mixed media - practical sensor lights
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 74
REBMIT™ view 4
7/1980 ©
Mixed media - practical sensor lights
16 x 15 x 24 "

REBMIT™ was a self anointed star in the ROBOTT™ OPERA, constantly at odds with the "news-caster" and "Shanabu," the sage of all time. The voice for REBMIT™ during the OPERA
and some studio performances was the late Fred Abrams, collector and private art dealer.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - full articulating kinetics
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 76
ROWE™(and Bott,of course)™
6-9/1980 ©
mixed media - full articulating kinetics
21 x 18 x 33 "

Simulated Function: RADIATION
ANALYST (and became the self proclaimed DoV-Z™ philosopher, working and learning from the old sage, "Shanabu."

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - amplified audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 78
ROWE™ view 2 (a parabot)
6-9/1980 ©
mixed media - amplified audio
21 x 18 x 33 "

When my wife was asked what the ROBOTTs™ look like, she would say,"just like the artist. ROWE™(and Bott, of course)™ was probably the most photographed and spent the most time on TV, across the country, from L.A. to Houston to Birmingham to Mobile with considerable newspaper coverage at all eleven museums in the traveling exhibition and then at the New Orleans, Electronic Visions panel discussions and performance.

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media -
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 80
ROWE™ view 3
6-9/1980 ©
mixed media -
21 x 18 x 33 "

ROWE™ was the conduit script influence for the ROBOTTs™ during the OPERA and most studio performances.The OPERA voice was that of Clint Willour, prominant Texas curator, collector and the visual arts bon vivant of Houston.
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media - a quadraped  with two balancers
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 82
ROWE™ view 4
6-9/1980 ©
mixed media - a quadraped with two balancers
21 x 18 x 33 "

Please note the basic DoV@ System Concepts format is the back "door" of ROWE™ with the colors of radiation warning. On the front side notice the "new" radiation warning label A.C.W.
Obviously the materials for ROWE™, and most other ROBOTTs are pecious metals or ceramic; e.g.,ROWE™ is platinum, REBMIT is bronze and platinum.It is possible that not all circuits were ruined in Tropical Storm
Collection of the artist

HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs mixed media- full kinetics and audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 84
EGAIRT™ view 1 (a parabot)
mixed media- full kinetics and audio
21 x 12 " diameter

Simulated Function: CATASTROPHIC EVENT TRIAGE SUPERVISOR; Serves on the Intergalactic and Ether Catastrophe Advisory Boards. EGAIRT™ is highly critical of the lack of preparedness for all all catastrophes prior to the Corporate Wars. Favorite script line, "I do NOT deal in patient
HJ BOTT DoV-Z ROBOTTs Mixed media - course audio
DoV-Z ROBOTTs ,  article artwork image 86
EGAIRT™ view 2
Mixed media - course audio
21 x 12" diameter

As a Triage officer, its name became the reverse to give it more
gravitas, EGAIRT™, principally because the selection process is based upon what "worth" the individual provides to the restructuring of homo sapiens in the galaxy. EGAIRT™ is always at odds with ROWE™ and "Shanabu." In the ROBOTT™ OPERA the voice was provided by Virgil Wall,Jr. collector, Houston/Clear Lake, TX
Collection of the artist